NMLB Newsletter Volume 2

What’s happening in 2024!

NMLB Newsletter

February 19, 2024

Welcome to the very first edition of the No Man Left Behind – Men’s Ministry Memo!

Two of the values that we want to focus on this year are:  consistency  and  connection . This weekly communication is designed to help us do just that. Our goal as a community is to stay in touch with God and with each other on a continual basis. And we hope these brief reflections will remind you that you are part of something bigger than yourself. We hope they inspire you to lean into your relationship with our Father in heaven. We also hope they encourage you to lean into your relationships with your brothers at Avenue F. This year, as we seek to draw closer to God and each other, we recognize that pursuing consistency and connection will require  intentionality  and  discipline .

That’s one reason why we’ve selected  Disciplines of a Godly Man  by R. Kent Hughes as a resource to help guide our communal meditations in 2024. We want to be intentional about providing food for thought as we encourage one another to cultivate personal and spiritual discipline. In chapter one, “Discipline for Godliness,” Hughes writes about the importance of discipline:

We will never get anywhere in life without discipline, be it in the arts, business, athletics, or academics. This is doubly so in spiritual matters. In other areas, we may be able to claim some innate advantage. An athlete may be born with a strong body, a musician with perfect pitch, or an artist with an eye for perspective. But none of us can claim an innate spiritual advantage. In reality, we are all equally disadvantaged. None of us naturally seeks after God, none is inherently righteous, none instinctively does good (cf. Romans 3:9-18). Therefore, as children of grace, our spiritual discipline is everything — everything! I repeat . . . discipline is everything!


Brothers, we don’t seek to develop discipline in order to earn salvation or favor from God. He has alre ady given that to us as a free gift of grace. Instead, we cultivate discipline in order to participate more fully in the life that He has given us in Christ. We cultivate discipline in order to overcome distractions and walk more closely with Him. We cultivate discipline to better realize our potential as men.


So as we embark upon our journey as a men’s ministry in 2024, let’s resolve to be disciplined. Let’s have the discipline to show up and look out for one another. Let’s have the discipline to pray together in our 3 on 3 encouragement groups. Let’s have the discipline to live up to the name: No Man Left Behind.

Looking forward to growing together.   — Kavian, NMLB Ministry Team

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1026 F Avenue Plano, TX 75074
2024 Avenue F Church of Christ